come forth into the light of things,
let nature be your teacher.
We exist to support our communities: the land we live on and all its inhabitants, the human and nonhuman residents of the Casco Bay region, greater southern Maine, and the state. As an educational nonprofit organization, we are committed to keeping class tuition affordable for everyone, offering regular free skills workshops and providing scholarships to eligible students on an as-needed sliding-scale basis.
Are you interested in an upcoming workshop and unable to pay the full cost of tuition?
The application process is simple: just tell us a bit about who you are, and where you're coming from.
Answer these questions with as much complexity as you feel moved to. What excites you most about rewilding? What has been your experience, if any, of practicing place-based living skills? Most importantly, which upcoming program are you most interested in applying for?
Generally, the scholarship amount may vary depending on the program, and we will usually ask participants to donate some dollar amount, even if it's only a few bucks.